Monetize Your Network
For many locations, providing high speed Internet access is an operational cost. InnSite® offers 3 primary methods to monetize your Internet access and turn cost into profit.
Social Media, Email and SMSGrant faster access to users who use social media or provide their email address or phone number, then leverage that information to tell them (and their followers or friends) about promotions and deals your company is offering.
Charge For AccessPower users require a faster connection to the Internet and are willing to pay for upgraded access. InnSite® provides the ability to charge for access and connection upgrades.
Targeted AdvertisingDraw revenue through InnSite®'s strategic, targeted advertising to business travelers, mobile professionals, mobile workers and other Internet savvy people that use your network.
Search Monetization Search is central to how people use the Internet and is a featured service in the InnSite® user login experience. Customers searching for and purchasing products create revenue for search providers.
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